Theoretical Soft-Matter
Oz Oshri's Home page
Contact details:
Mechanical Engineering
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel
Office: Mechanical Engineering building (Soref) #302
Tel: +972 8 6477074
I have an opening for a post-doctoral fellow or a Ph.D student.
For details, please send an email with your CV to

My research focuses on the theory of soft materials, particularly on the study of pattern formation in continuum mechanics, including elasticity and fluid dynamics. My aim is to understand the underlying physical mechanisms that govern the behavior of soft materials, and how they can be used to improve technological applications.
In recent years, I have been particularly interested in the area of mechanical instabilities that emerge on the surface of an elastic medium. This includes exploring the formation of patterns and structures that result from the interplay of forces, geometries, and material properties. By developing a deeper understanding of these processes, I hope to contribute to the development of new materials that can be used in a wide range of applications, including energy, environment, and healthcare.

Goncharuk, K., Feldman, Y., & Oshri, O. 2023. Fluttering-induced flow in a closed chamber. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 976, A15.
Goncharuk, K., Oshri, O., Feldman, Y., 2023. The immersed boundary method: A SIMPLE
approach, J. Comput. Phys., vol. 487, pp. 112148. -
Oshri O., Modeling the Behavior of an Extensible Sheet in a Pressurized Chamber. Journal of Elasticity (2022).
Oshri O., Asymptotic softness of a laterally confined sheet in a pressurized chamber. PRE, 104 (2021).
Oshri O., Volume-constrained deformation of a thin sheet as a route to harvest elastic energy. PRE, 103 (2021).
Oshri O., Delamination of open cylindrical shells from soft and adhesive Winkler’s foundation. PRE, 102 (2020).
Oshri O., Biswas S., Balazs, A., C., Buckling-induced interaction between circular inclusions in an infinite thin plate. PRE, 102 (2020).
Oshri O., Biswas S., Balazs, A., C., Modelling the behavior of inclusions in circular plates undergoing shape changes from two to three dimensions. PRE, 100 (2019).
Oshri, O., Biswas S., Balazs, A., C., Modelling the formation of double rolls from heterogeneously patterned gels. PRE, 99 (2019). (Editor's suggestion)
Oshri O., Liu Y., Aizenberg J., Balazs, A., C., Delamination of a thin sheet from a soft and adhesive Winkler substrate. PRE, 97 (2018).
Oshri O., Diamant, H., Pattern transitions in a compressible floating elastic sheet. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017).
Oshri, O., Diamant, H., Strain tensor selection and the elastic theory of incompatible thin sheets. PRE, 95 (2017).
Oshri, O., Diamant, H., Properties of compressible elastica from relativistic analogy. Soft Matter (communication), 12 (2016).
Oshri, O., Brau, F., Diamant, H.,. Wrinkles and folds in a fluid supported sheet of finite size. PRE, 91 (2015). (Editor's suggestion)
Group members
Ph.D. students:
Kirill Goncharuk
M.Sc. students:
Erez Intrater
Post Doctoral Scholar:
Dr. Saichand Chowkampally